Why not suicide?How can you overcome the fear of committing a suicide?

Why not suicide? How to overcome the fear of committing suicide?

What is suicide?

There has been a lot of ambiguity throughout the years on the debate that what 'suicide' actually is. 'Suicide' is an intentional act that causes one's death. This, in simple terms, means that a person, who might be a victim of any psychological disease, stress, tensions, who might not be happy with his/her life and willingly wants his/her life to end over here, takes his/her own life via any fatal means whether its bleeding, drowning, suffocation, hypothermia, electrocution, etc. The main idea/concept behind committing this emotional act is to get freedom from all the psychological tensions, depressions, stress, diseases, problems and difficulties that one might be facing in his/her life, which is actually 'NOT AN IDEAL OPTION TO CHOOSE AT ALL'.

Why not suicide?

Have you ever wondered why exactly were you sent to live this life? Most of us forget the real purpose of us being given the opportunity of living this beautiful life. Your 'life' is a great blessing of God on you, and definitely, there's a purpose you were sent to live it. This is evidence of the fact that every individual living on this huge universe has some value, some worth, some significance, and he/she does not need to waste it due to the temporary harsh/difficult times on him/her. These tough times are a test from your God for you, and only the blessed ones get the opportunity to take this since our God thinks us as being worth taking this test. And believe me that once you're done facing some tough time, God opens up unexpected doors of blessings and happiness for you as a reward for bearing those tough times with tolerance/patience and a positive mindset.

It is NOT a sensible option to commit suicide at all due to a variety of reasons. The first and foremost reason is that by committing suicide you are actually 'NOT GETTING RID OF ALL THE PROBLEMS' that you might be facing in your life. You are disrespecting the blessing of 'life' which is given to you from your Lord by wasting it in suicide. I know that the problems, issues, psychological issues, tensions, depression, the anxiety you might be facing could be nearly intolerable but do you think that committing suicide would resolve all those issues/problems? Well, the answer is a clear cut 'NO'. Suicide does not lead to anything good or positive by any means. By committing suicide, you are showing your incapability and or failure to clear the test given to you by your Lord. By committing suicide, you leave this world thinking that all your problems would be resolved and the other people (who you think were being effected by your presence) would then live much more comfortably and happily. BUT this is NOT the case at all. Whenever you even think of committing suicide for such reasons, you should think about your family, your friends, the ones who are attached to you, and most significantly you should think about your Lord. You should think that if I commit suicide, would that resolve my family issues or not? would that be of any good use for my friends? would that be of any good use for all other people who are one way or the other attached with me or not? would my God be satisfied with me or not? would this set a very good trend in the world community or not? The answer is a 'NO'. Therefore, you can now easily conclude that committing suicide is 'NOT AN OPTION AT ALL IN ANY CASE'.

How can you overcome the fear of committing suicide?

Well if committing suicide is NOT an option at all, then the real question that arises is that what is the real solution to all these harsh difficulties that we face?

There are a lot of wonders you can do to yourself by doing the following set of things listed below:

  • Share your problems with someone you think might be worth it. If you're facing any tough times, any psychological tensions, depression, fear or any other sort of difficulty in life, it is your sole responsibility to take any person into a trust to share your problems with who you think is worth it. It might be any of your parents, your close friends, your teacher, your psychologist or any other person who you are comfortable with sharing your problems.
  • Always have staunch self-belief in yourself. You might be going through the toughest times of your life, but all you need to do at such a crucial time is to have staunch self-belief in yourself, in what you are doing, in your capabilities, in your strengths, leaving behind all the negative things that act as an obstacle in your path. I know it's difficult but once you've reached the required level of self staunch belief, then literally believe me that it's not that much difficult at all.
  • Pray regularly. When you offer your obligatory prayers regularly and turn back towards your God regularly, then you develop a very staunch faith in your Lord. You then seek repentance from your God and ask for help to fight all the problems and or difficulties you might be facing in your life.
  • Never let any ones harsh words hurt you. You should never take any harsh words from anyone as a matter of disrespect and an insult. You should rather try to take even the harshest words positively (if they are meant for your self-betterment) and if not, then you should try to simply ignore them. I know this isn't as simple as it seems, but believe me, once you start making this a habit, you'll see that how this habit miraculously does great wonders for you in your life.
  • Choose a good strong group/community for yourself. Your environment/community has a very crucial role to play in your life, therefore you should choose to be among those people who have a very good nature, who are very kind and supportive, who have some life goals and targets and are ambitious to achieve all those goals. You should try to avoid all those people who make you feel worthless, who often degrade you, who make you feel very ashamed of yourself, who are not honest/loyal to you but all they can do is add negativity in your life.
  • Regularly practice physical/mental exercises. Researches have found that people who normally perform regular physical exercises (gym, aerobics, running, jumping, etc), as well as mental exercises(test your recall, listening to music, do math in your head, etc), have a much better chance of staying away from any sort of anxiety, stress, depression or any other psychological problem/issue.
  • Follow a very balanced daily time table. You should follow a very balanced regular pattern for your life. Time is a very precious thing, therefore you should utilize it very smartly, whether it's for a year or a day. You should make a daily schedule that is very balanced in terms of time management. You should make a time table in which you give proper time to every daily life activity whether it's going to school/college/university/work, giving time to your family and friends, going out somewhere to relieve the stress you've been tolerating throughout the day/week, taking your daily food meals, taking a bath, practicing some physical/mental exercises, sleeping, watching television or anything which you think should be an essential part of your daily life. Remember that you should give QUALITY time to everything rather than just doing that thing as a formality. The day when you'll start giving things quality time, you'll soon notice that your life has become very easy as well as comfortable and you'll start to achieve all your life goals without any such difficulties.
